
Jumat, 02 Juni 2017

Blusukan and Servant Leader

The term ‘blusukan’ has become popular since Joko Widodo known as ‘Jokowi’ was being inaugurated as Jakarta Governor. Jokowi used blusukan as his leadership style. According to what jokowi has done, blusukan is directly comes to the people’s place especially the grassroot ( wong cilik), in slums area, rivers side, garbage dumps, and others to know what are their problems and have a dialogue with the people in order to make the right policy. More or lees this style of leadership has sent Jokowi to Win the race of Presidential election in 2014. Regardless that jokowi used blusukan as an image or not, but this leadership style is very effective and loved by the people. This is an effective style because the leader can know the problem faced by the people exactly, not just from the report from the bureaucreacy because we know that sometimes the bureaucreacy just reports the good thing as ‘ABS’ (asal bapak senang) in indonesian term. This essay will try to look the similiarity of blusukan and servant leader as a concept of Islamic leadhersip style.

            Blusukan is a Javanese word, blusukan comes from the main word ‘blusuk’ which means “mlebu ing’ in Javanese or entry (come in), and then plus suffix –an becoming blusukan, this means an activity done by someone to enter some places in order to get something. As leadhersip style Blusukan means a style of leadership that comes to the people place directly in order to know, to hear, to talk, with the people to make a good policy to inspire development programs that will be implemented, and to know the effect of the programs that being implemented or as an evaluation of program  that is applied. So the blusukan needs the leader to come to the people place, not the opposite. The leaders in blusukan point of view are becoming a servant of the people. So the leaders serve the people not the people serve the leader.

            Leader and Leadership are very important in Islam. In most circumstances in life, Muslims are urged to appoint a leader and to follow him. According to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Muslims must appoint a leader during a trip, select a leader to lead the prayer, and choose a leader for other group activities. One of the concepts of leadership in Islam is servant leader, a leader who serves for his follower. Servant leader is an Islamic leadership style, as what Prophet Muhammad once said “The servant of the people is their leader”. According to this, the whole purposes of leadership are to serve the people. One of the leaders in Islamic history that implemented the concept of servant leader is umar ibn Al-khattab. Umar is the figure of a leader who understood the interest and the needs of his people, although he lived in poor condition. Umar often got around and investigated the condition of his people in the night, this what we know as ‘blusukan’. So, Blusukan has sameness with the servant leader. Both of them are oriented to the people’s need and interest.

            According to Robert K. greenlaf, he said: “The servant-leader is servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire material possessions. For such it will be a later choice to serve — after leadership is established. The leader-first and the servantfirst are two extreme types. Between them there are shadings and blends that are part of the infinite variety of human nature” (Robert K. Greenlaf: 1970).

            According to Robert K. Greenlaf that quoted by  Ahmad Zubaidi in his journal, The Leadership Who Served In Reformation Bureaucracy, “Dimensions  or  indicators  used  to  measure  servant  leadership  namely, (1)Listening, communication between leaders and followers is an interactive process that includes sending and receiving messages, (2) Empathy, "stand in the shoes" others and strive to see the world from another's perspective, (3) Curing, realize that they have the opportunity to help  solve problems dihadi followers, (4) Self-awareness, awareness helps  to  understand  issues  involving  ethics  and  values  that  are  universal,  (5) Persuasion,  clear  communication  and  tenacious  convincing  others  to  change,  (6) Conceptualization, trying to continue to improve her skills in looking at things from the perspective that transcends the reality of the past and present (7) Forecasting, ability to see the future (have a vision);  so leaders understand the past, present realities, and future  possibilities,  (8)  The  duty  to  take  care  of,  the  leader  seeks  to  direct  the organization's resources serve to steer the good of society, (9) Commitment individual growth, leadership commitment to help everyone in the organization in order to growth, and (10)Building Communities, seeks to establish a close relationship as befits a family among fellow followers” (Ahmad Zubaidi, 2014).

            In conclusion, Servant leader is an Islamic leadership style, as what Prophet Muhammad once said “The servant of the people is their leader”. The question is whether blusukan and servant leader are the same concept or not. Servant leader and blusukan are leadership style that concern on the people. Both of them have the same purpose to serve the people. The ten characteristic of servant leader is fulfilling by blusukan. It might be that blusukan and servant leader are the same concept, but it could be that blusukan is a way to implemented servant leader concept. The important thing is that blusukan and servant leader is oriented to the people’s need and interest. This is what Islam expected in a leader, which is put the interest of the people as priority rather than their own interest, their family, or even their group.

Malik Arrozzaq
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
1 November 2015

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